About the Survey
The Global Survey of Public Servants is a platform for practitioners and researchers to generate improved diagnostics and a better understanding of public service through survey data. We provide benchmark survey modules and evidence on best practice in surveying public servants.
The project is at its core global, producing data and evidence on public servants across the world. We collaborate widely with government officials and researchers.
Through our work, we aim to understand what methods and approaches work best where and when in surveys of public servants. You can find out more about our survey’s conceptual framework and methodological validation below.

An ideal civil service
survey diagnostic to
pursue evidence-based
civil service
management reforms
Pedro Guerra
Deputy Director of the Civil Service

An international
benchmarking instrument that
has helped us identify the
strengths and weaknesses of
our civil service
Mahir Yağcılar
Minister of Public Administration
Kosovo (2011-2020)

This survey is the first
time I had truly seen my
Nana Kwasi Agyekum Dwamena
Head of Civil Service
The Survey's Conceptual Framework
The Global Survey of Public Servants is based on a conceptual
framework built to help (1) advance our understanding of how
public services and states work; and (2) provide actionable
evidence for public sector management improvements.

Download the conceptual
framework here
Current Country Coverage
Examples of GSPS Impacts

How We Validate Our Survey Measures
We continuously improve our survey measures by leveraging analyses of our unique cross-country civil service data with hundreds of thousands of respondents. For instance, which measures of management practices are most predictive of motivation or integrity in public service? What measures of motivation best explain turnover? Can specific measures be compared internationally (i.e. feature measurement invariance)?